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Application and Admission


The study program PPE participates in the Dialog-Oriented Service Procedure (DoSV) at the "Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung ".  The admission restriction is thus a local Numerus Clausus, but the allocation of admissions is carried out centrally in a multi-step application procedure:

Prospective students first register in the DoSV application portal and then apply in the Heinrich Heine University application portal using the identification data received there. In total, up to twelve applications for different study programs are possible in the DoSV. Heinrich Heine University then allocates the available places to the best applicants. Successful applicants will be informed via the DoSV portal; applications that have not yet been considered may be considered in a subsequent procedure in order to fill remaining study places. IFurther information on the application procedure via the DoSV can be found centrally at the Student Service Center.

A local NC is determined only after the admissions have been made: It equals to the grade of the applicant that was awarded the last available spot. Every application is automatically an application for quotas: According to grade, waiting semester & grade and the university's selection process - where necessary, allocation takes place by lot. A separate application for the three quotas is not necessary; these are only used for internal calculation. Applicants automatically apply to all three rankings based on the information they provide in their application. For orientation, you can view the local NC of the previous semesters on the corresponding pages of the Student Service Center.


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