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Key data on the program

Start of study Winter semester
Type of study single bachelor´s degree
Standard period of study 6 semesters
Admission restriction Local NC
Degree Bachelor of Arts
Language German (compulsory), English (optional)

The program Philosophy, Politics and Economics (BA) at Heinrich Heine University is designed in an integrative way. It is assigned to the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Economics. As an interdisciplinary program, it combines the subjects of philosophy, political science, and economics, thus enabling a comprehensive approach to social challenges.


An overview of the contents of the program, a short introduction of the participating subjects and the interdisciplinary method modules as well as the underlying idea of the young program can be found on the page “study contents”. An overview of the modules and courses over the six semesters can be found on the “course of studies” page. Of course, the pages for students are also available: Browse through the different offers and view the structures in detail in the module handbook and examination regulations.

Contacts for prospective students

Are you interested in the study program PPE and have general questions about the contents of PPE or the life as a student at Heinrich-Heine-University? The student body of PPE will gladly inform you and help with choosing your program.

            Website of the student body PPE

Do you have questions concerning the structure of the studies, the crediting of past achievements, the incorporation of job activities and semesters abroad, or other administrative questions? The PPE Coordination Team will be happy to help. Please contact us via email: ppe(at)hhu.de 

The central university administration is responsible for application, admission, and enrollment. The Student Service Center (“StudierendenServiceCenter”, SSC) has a department for the support of prospective students.

            Website SSC for prospective students

Responsible for the content: Redaktion PPE : Contact by e-mail